
  The Risk tab assesses the risk in your selected portfolio or model portfolio.  


Risk Tab

The Summary (1) tab displays four measures of risk – Volatility, VaR, CVaR, and MaxDD – in a chart of risk measures (%).

You can view the Risk/Return Attributions (2) including Weight, PCTr, Weight vs. PCTR, Historical Ret., Implied Ret., Scenario Ret., Scenario Implied Ret., and Scenario vs. Implied Ret.

To view a comparison of an efficient frontier versus your selected portfolio, theRisk-Return (3 ) tab provides a graph of the Expected Return (%) vs. Volatility (%) for both the efficient frontier and your selected portfolio.

To view correlations between assets in your portfolio, click the Correlations (4) tab.


This tab offers four parts: Summary, Attribution, Risk-Return and Correlation.

After you select your target portfolio/model portfolio, you can assess the risk in your selected portfolio.  

Risk Summary 
You can review the risk measure (%) chart in this platform. 
Every portfolio has four bars which represent following information:  

Risk/ Return Attribution 
You can view the risk/return attribution of every equity as Investor Porter.
This tab offers following information:  

This tab plots the comparison between your selected portfolio and the efficiency frontier.
You can change and select different portfolio/model portfolio to conduct the comparison with the efficiency frontier in the group of the Expected Return (%) vs Volatility.  

Click Correlation and view correlation between assets in your selected portfolio.