
The Portfolios tab provides overall information about your portfolios. Here you can add/delete/edit transactions, view current positions, and look at historical performance.  


Portfolios Tab

Watchlist (1) – Create and track your personalized list of products.

Historical performance and key performance indicators about the selected product are displayed in a chart (2), including Open, Close, High, Low, Date, and Volume, as well as 10 and 50-Week Moving Averages.

Portfolio Positions (3) allows you to view current positions in your portfolio, as well as Add Transactions with the ‘+’ icon. 

Details (4) provides a general overview of the portfolio as displayed above.   


 This tab offers key information of your selected product.    

Review product performance

l   Click Details.
l   View the Watchlist, Chart and Portfolio position of your selected portfolio.  

l   Click Position and the details of your products will be shown.
l   To review historical performance, click Performance.  

Manage your portfolio  
l   Click Manage.
l   Use New/Edit tab to adjust your portfolios.

l   View your product in Portfolio Item and click Add transaction to add product in your portfolios.